Anatomy Portals

Decrease Stress & Pain ~ Increase Enjoyment, Flow & Inspiration!

Available & Upcoming Courses

Wondrous Hips Learn to feel grounded and free in your hips and pelvis, the center of the body
Live & Recorded: Tuesdays, Nov 19 — Dec 10, 2026 ; 5–6pm EST

Phenomenal Feet Create support and fluid responsiveness at the base of your body
On Demand Classes with access to Lee for questions by email

Anatomy Portals courses offer anatomical frameworks as doorways into creative inspiration, physical ease, and emotional wellbeing. We use experiential anatomy, touch, imagery, movement, drawing and writing to get more in touch with and care for the body in a holistic way, creating an empowered relationship to your body-mind.

Lee Fogel is an ISMETA Registered Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist, Franklin Method Educator, Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner & Reiki Practitioner.  She is devoted to kindling sensitive and powerful relationships to our body-minds, supporting wellness on both personal and collective levels.