Experience the sensory wisdom and ingenuity your body has with regards to Money! This Virtual Focus Group creates a safe and playful space for you to sense into your body’s experience of money. Through private sessions and group classes, you will learn ways to support this relationship through somatic approaches to body listening, so that you can have greater freedom and ease of movement around money in your life.
“I came to class today feeling pretty scared, not knowing what exploring money was going to be like. I’m surprised now to be feeling a lot of curiosity and joy about the money of movement and the movement of money”
-Andrew Clibanoff, Screenwriter, Interdisciplinary Artist
Participant in Money on the Mind, Money on the Body
This 4‑month Program Includes
- 4 group calls where get to share and go deep as a group, dispelling isolation while learning somatic approaches to increasing ease and wellbeing around money in your life!
- 4 private phone sessions, scheduled monthly, where we’ll address your specific needs in depth and I’ll hold space for your unique process and journey.
Your group curriculum will be informed by the unique needs of the individuals in the group and may include topics such as decreasing anxiety around money, creating abundance, learning playful and somatic ways to engage with money, navigating pressures/hurts from capitalism, envisioning what success is for you.… and more!
Receive 4 months of one-on-one and group support around YOUR relationship to money!
Classes are Tuesday evenings, 7:30–9:30 pm EST: 9⁄23, 10⁄21, 11/11, 12⁄9
Private Calls scheduled monthly, at your convenience!
Value $650
By July 24th: $550!
“I’m finding myself feeling much more confident about working with and asking for money. And, we made exponentially more from this weekend’s class than we have ever made from our anatomy classes!”
-Lissa Michalak, SomaticAnatomy.com
Participant in Money on the Mind, Money on the Body at SOMAfest NYC